Christian Century Recommendations

Here are a few of Christian Century’s book recommendations that you might want to check out from our library:

Engaging biblical authority: perspectives on the Bible as scripture/ BS 480 .E54 2007

Power of the Word: scripture and the rhetoric of empire/ BS 538.7 .S38 2007

Introduction to the synoptic gospels/ BS 2555.52 .P47 2007

Encounters with Jesus/ BS 2615.52 .G46 2007

Not ashamed of the gospel/ BS 2665.54 .R88 2007

At the heart of the gospel/ BS 2725.9 .S9 J47 2007

Faith in the great physician/ BT 732.5 .C88 2007

Losers, loners, and rebels: the spiritual struggles of boys/ BV 4450 .D95 2007

Tribal church: ministering to the missing generation/ BV 4447 .M465 2007

What hath God wrought/ E 338 .H69 2007